
Marceline Therrien

Unlike many translators, Marceline’s background is in business.

After graduating from Penn State University with a BS in Finance, Marceline received a Rotary Foundation Scholarship to study in Japan for two years. After a year in an intensive Japanese program, she attended economics classes at one of Japan’s national universities. She then joined a prominent US-affiliated investment bank, where she became one of the first non-Japanese nationals to pass the Japanese equivalent of the US Registered Representative exam. Marceline has been working as an independent professional translator for more than a decade.

Click here to download Marceline Therrien’s bio



  •  川崎汽船の子会社でM&Aアナリスト
  • モルガン・スタンレー証券調査部
  • BS Finance Penn State University (ペンシルベニア州立大学金融科卒業)
  • 国際基督大学の留学
  • 千葉大学の留学
